Directions to M & S Narwani Gift Center Ltd

July 19, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

 Public Transport and Driving Directions to 

M & S Narwani Gift Center Ltd  Venue

for Sunday 23rd July 2023  Model Casting Call 

Directions By Public Transport 

Directions from Port of Spain Via Churchill Roosevelt Highway

  1. Board a Chaguanas Taxi heading towards Chaguanas.
  2. Ask the driver to drop you off at Solo Factory/ Courts Mega Store.
  3. Once you arrive at Solo Factory, use the walkover to cross the highway safely.
  4. After crossing the highway, proceed to the business located on Don Miguel Ext Road.
  5. Look for the 5th building on the right-hand side to reach your destination.

 Option 2 from Port of Spain  Via the Bus Route / Eastern Main Road

Directions from Port of Spain (Pos):
1. Take a taxi from Port of Spain to San Juan.
2. From San Juan, take another taxi to Solo.
3. Upon reaching Solo, utilize the blue walkover to safely cross the highway.
4. Head towards the business located on Don Miguel Ext Road.
5. You'll find the destination as the 5th building on the right-hand side.


Directions from Arima and East Trinidad:

  1. Board a taxi or maxi that is heading to San Juan via the bus route.
  2. Upon arriving in San Juan, take a taxi to Solo.
  3. Once you reach Solo, use the blue walkover to safely cross the area's highway.
  4. Proceed to the 5th building on the right side to reach your destination on Don Miguel Ext Road 


Directions from South and Central:
1. Take a taxi or maxi heading to Port of Spain (Pos).
2. Ask the driver to drop you off on the  Churchill Roosevelt highway at the corner of Alexandria Center and Asia Distributors on Don Miguel Ext Road.
3. From there, walk into Don Miguel Ext road until you reach the 5th building on the right-hand side, M & S Narwani Gift Center Ltd 

Or have the Taxi Make a left on to Don Miguel Ext Road and Pass 4 houses on the Right Side and then you will reach a warehouse ( 5th Building) with a green wall and green and blue billboard on top of it. 


Driving Directions From Port of Spain 

Starting from Port of Spain, drive east on the Churchill Roosevelt Highway.

Take the Aranguez overpass and merge onto the west lane, heading back to Port of Spain.

As you continue on the road, be on the lookout for some key landmarks.

On your left, you'll notice the DHL building.

Stay in the left lane as you approach the Blue Walkover at Don Miguel Ext Road. 

Landmark 2 Alexandria Center ( Pink Building)

Make a left turn into Don Miguel Ext Road.
Drive along this street, and you'll soon come across the 5th building on the right.
Look for a distinctive blue and green sign on top of the building. That's your destination. 

Map With Green Star  & Red Pin Point Icon


Satallite map of mns locationGreen Star - M & S Narwani Gift Center Ltd

 Front of the Building from Don Miguel Ext Road 

Front of the buildingFront of the building  
Inside of the Building 

Inside of the BuildingInside of the Building

Open this URL on any Browser or Google Map App  -    -

M & S Narwani Gift Center Ltd


Facebook  M & S Narwani Gift Center Ltd - Facebook Page
Website M & S Narwani Gift Center Ltd Website

regular opening hours 
Monday to Friday  9am to 5pm  

Tel Num 675- 8975, 222 2955 Whatsapp 681-6349, 


If Lost Call  675 8975 / 686 0914 




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